About the Event

Imagery re-scripting is a key aspect of schema therapy and a powerful experiential tool for change. Furthermore, research over the last 4 years has focused on how Imagery Rescripting can be utilised as a stand-alone treatment for childhood trauma and related PTSD (Arntz, 2013, de Haan et al 2018).

This in-person workshop will focus specifically on how therapists can become skilled in developing strong corrective emotional experiences via Imagery Rescripting. The training will focus on Arnoud Arntz’ imagery rescripting protocols; and discuss recent research findings in the treatment of childhood related post-traumatic stress and associated chronic mental-health problems. It will approach Imagery Rescripting as a stand-alone treatment, and primarily focus on using the intervention with adults and adolescent clients. No experience in Schema Therapy is required for this workshop.

The style of teaching will be focussed on hands-on, practical skills-development, with many opportunities to observe and practice skills to facilitate the immediate application of Imagery Rescripting in your daily therapeutic work with clients.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding recent Imagery Rescripting research and the IREM research trial
  • Confidence in working with clients with a trauma background
  • Improved confidence in using Imagery Rescripting approach for trauma work
  • Developed further skills in responding to antagonists in imagery (via deliberate self-practice approaches)
  • Increased awareness of the therapist's own blocks and challenges; and practical ways to assist
  • Improved skills in working with client blocks and challenges
  • Development of skills on when to use imagery for compassion


Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is suitable for those working professionally with clients who have experienced complex trauma and who have current professional registration with an Australian regulatory body:

  • General Practitioners
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Social workers
  • Counsellors
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Mental Health Nurses

Applicants who do not meet the above criteria can apply on an individual basis to the COTWA Board by emailing sonia.smuts@complextraumawa.org.au. Consideration will be given to the applicant’s:

  • Nature and length of employment
  • Educational background and qualifications
  • Training in trauma
  • Support from the applicant’s supervisor and/or employer

About the Presenter/s

Presenter Name
  Dr Chris Hayes
Presenter Blurb

Chris is a Clinical Psychologist based in Perth WA. He has extensive experience in public and private settings, working with clients with complex psychological presentations. Since 2005, Chris has been practising as an accredited advanced Schema Therapist, supervisor, and trainer after having completed certification in Schema Therapy at the Schema Therapy Institute in New York City (USA) with Dr Jeffery Young. He has presented workshops throughout Europe, Asia and Australasia and is the Director of Schema Therapy Training Australia. Chris was employed as a Clinical Psychologist at the Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) - a specialist service for those who have experienced recent or childhood sexual trauma - at the WA Health Department for more than eight years. In this role, he was heavily involved in implementing the Imagery/EMDR for Childhood Trauma (IREM) research trial (Boterhoven De Haan, et al., 2020). He has previously served as Secretary of the Board for the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST); and co-produced two video releases, ‘Fine Tuning Imagery Rescripting’ and ‘Fine Tuning Chair Work in Schema Therapy’. Both are the first of their kind internationally and come highly recommended. Chris is the co-author of ‘The Cambridge Guide to Schema Therapy’ textbook scheduled for release in late 2022. 

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Dr Katrina Boterhoven de Haan
Presenter Position
  Clinical Psychologist
Presenter Blurb

Katrina Boterhoven de Haan is a Clinical Psychologist who has worked across both government and
not-for-profit sectors. These include community mental health, child protection, and specialised services, including sexual trauma services. She has extensive experience in the treatment of mental-health disorders, in particular complex trauma and borderline personality disorder presentations.

Katrina is a trainer in Imagery Rescripting and an accredited EMDR therapist/consultant.
She completed her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree through the University of Western
Australia in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Her PhD thesis was on ‘Investigating Effective Treatments for Adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from Childhood Trauma Experiences’.

Katrina has published several articles and a book chapter with the main focus on treating more
complex trauma presentations. Her research has lead to presentations at several international conferences; and has seen her involved in national and international projects.

Presenter Image


Date/s: Friday 13 October 2023 - Saturday 14 October 2023 8.30am - 5pm

Registration opens on 1 April 2023

The board will determine the financial viability of proceeding with this event or not by mid September 2023, so please prioritise registering for this workshop if this was of interest to you (or email us to discuss alternatives). 

Venue: The Newman Sienna Centre,
33 Williamstown Road,
Doubleview WA 6018
Additional Venue Information

Registration for Attendance Certificate purposes to commence at 8.30am each day, for a 9am start to the workshop.

Teas and a light lunch will be provided. Please advise special dietary requirements at time of registration.

Accomodation Suggestions:
Recommended Reading:
Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations prior to 1 October 2023 will attract a $50 processing fee

Cancellations after 1 October 2023 will attract the full fee (transfer of registration is possible).



Sonia Smuts - Sonia.smuts@complextraumawa.org.au

500 COTWA Professional Members 12 Yes
300 COTWA Clinical Members 12 Yes
50 COTWA Clinical Members with a Spatial Directory profile 12 Yes
800 Non-member Professionals 12 No
Notes about Fees

As this workshop is intended for practicing professionals, only attendees who are a professional member of COTWA (i.e. have provided their professional registration certification from an Australian regulatory body) will be eligible to earn PD credits for their attendance.

If you are a practicing professional and not yet a member of COTWA and would like to attend the event, it is financially more beneficial to become a member: Your cost to become both a member and attend the event will be $650, plus you will earn PD credits for attendance.

* Members need to be logged into the Members' Area to get the member rate applied.

** Please prioritise finalising submission of your Clinical membership assessment application and Spatial Directory profile if this workshop is of interest to you. If your directory profile is fully completed by 31 October 2023, you will qualify for the $50 attendance fee and you will receive a refund of the initial registration fee.

Depending on whether your Curriculum Vitae is up to date; and how long it might take you to draft a letter of reference on behalf of busy referees (we have templates you can use to make this easier), we estimate you probably need to set aside ~90+ minutes of your life to complete the application form. Your Clinical membership application will then be assessed by Blue Knot Foundation, Australia’s National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma, for processing. This could take from 4 to 21 days.

Once you are a Clinical Member, you will receive an email to invite you to list on the COTWA Spatial Directory, with some practical tips on how to go about doing this.

COTWA's Spatial Directory is a unique and much-needed resource for survivors, colleagues, GPs, and other service providers in WA. The more weight trauma-trained clinicians add to it, the more weight COTWA has to advocate on behalf of everyone, for improved service delivery in WA for people with complex trauma.


COTWA recognises that it is a complex process to list on our Spatial Directory. We still believe it is worth it for survivors! Before you give up, please message us via the Contact Us form on the website if you require any practical, technical, or even emotional support 🙂 to complete the online form - we will be in touch to offer helpful help.


The information presented at this workshop is general in nature, and that of the presenter's. This may/may not represent the views of COTWA as well. You should always seek your own professional advice specific to your unique circumstances.

About the Panel Discussion

An expert panel of three senior trauma-trained clinicians - Anna Mills (Gestalt), Katrina Boterhoven De Haan (Imagery Rescripting), and Maree Even (Psychodynamic/attachment psychotherapy) - will share their experience in treating a fictionalised new client who presents for psychotherapy. Our panel members all practice from distinctly different and overlapping theoretical paradigms; and they will respond to questions such as: 

  • How would you approach the first three sessions?
  • How would you determine the focus of treatment?
  • What kind of assessments would you do, and why?
  • Would you follow a phased approach to treatment?  If so, how might that look like in this case?
  • What kind of challenges do you anticipate in this case? How might you approach those?

The intention of COTWA's annual panel discussion is to offer a structured but informal collegial conversation amongst peers, about the different ways in which different therapists would approach the same client. It aims to introduce students and emerging trauma clinicians to different modes of conceptualising and trauma intervention; as well as to create a safe ‘community’ of local clinicians where senior colleagues can also model and normalise attuned not-knowing to new trauma therapists.


Who is this workshop for?

This Professional Development event is for registered psychotherapists and students.

It is suitable for experienced clinicians who are considering expanding their professional repertoire and wanting an insiders' view into how other clinicians practically conceptualise their approach to treatment from a particular theoretical perspective.

It is also an invaluable opportunity for students and new practitioners who are wanting to learn more about complex trauma, and the real-life application of different approaches to working therapeutically with this patient population.

About the Presenter/s

Presenter Name
  Anna Mills
Presenter Position
  Counselling Psychologist
Presenter Blurb

Anna has worked as a Counselling Psychologist for more than 18 years, in private practice, in the community, and in prisons. She has extensive experience working with complex trauma, PTSD, self harm and suicide, substance misuse due to trauma or stress, relationship breakdown, family stress, grief and loss, disordered eating, and mental illness as it affects individuals and those close to them. She is an accredited Gestalt therapist having completed a further four years of study after her Masters with the Gestalt Institute of WA.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Maree Even
Presenter Position
  Clinical Psychologist
Presenter Blurb

Maree Even is a clinical psychologist with 25 years of experience. She works in private practice, providing Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and supervision. One of her main areas of interest is the intersection of developmental trauma and personality.

In the beginning of her career, Maree worked for both community and government agencies in the areas of mental health, alcohol and other drugs, corrections, women's services, and research; as well as being involved in tertiary education, teaching and supervising psychology students. For a change of pace, in partnership, she owned and operated a corporate training business focused on mindfulness and positive psychology.

More recently Maree has written a book, titled 'BEING ME: Healing Your Attachment Wounds and Becoming Whole.'

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Katrina Boterhoven de Haan
Presenter Position
  Clinical Psychologist
Presenter Blurb

Katrina Boterhoven de Haan is a Clinical Psychologist who has worked across both government and
not-for-profit sectors. These include community mental health, child protection, and specialised services, including sexual trauma services. She has extensive experience in the treatment of mental-health disorders, in particular complex trauma and borderline personality disorder presentations.

Katrina is a trainer in Imagery Rescripting and an accredited EMDR therapist/consultant.
She completed her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree through the University of Western
Australia in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Her PhD thesis was on ‘Investigating Effective Treatments for Adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from Childhood Trauma Experiences’.

Katrina has published several articles and a book chapter with the main focus on treating more
complex trauma presentations. Her research has lead to presentations at several international conferences; and has seen her involved in national and international projects.

Presenter Image


Date/s: Thursday 17 August 2023 - 5:45pm-8.30pm

Registration opens on 1 June 2023 

Venue: Stirling Room, Crowne Plaza Hotel **PLEASE NOTE UPDATED VENUE**,
54 Terrace Road,
Perth WA 6004
Additional Venue Information

Light refreshments will be available from ~5.30pm

Accomodation Suggestions:
Recommended Reading:
Cancellation Policy:

Full refund if cancelled 7 days in advance (less catering costs)



Sonia Smuts - Sonia.smuts@complextraumawa.org.au

50 COTWA Professional Members 2.5 Yes
30 COTWA Clinical Members 2.5 Yes
0 COTWA Clinical Members with a Spatial Directory profile 2.5 Yes
70 Non-Member Professionals none No
30 Registered Students 2.5 Yes
Notes about Fees

* Members need to be logged into the Members' Area to get the member rate applied


The information presented at the panel discussion is general in nature and should not be relied on. You should always seek your own professional advice. The views expressed are those of the presenters and may not represent the views of COTWA.

About the Seminar

Do you struggle with bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, IBS, or any other digestive-track issues?
Did you know that disrupted gut bacteria has been proven to cause anxiety, depression, and other mood difficulties (and vice versa)?
Feeling chronically unsafe, remaining hyper-vigilant for threats, and therefore having constantly elevated cortisol levels create a multitude of physiological consequences downstream.
Did you know it is possible to help treat the symptoms of complex trauma (including overthinking, overwhelm, frustration, teariness, lack of joy, cravings, chronic fatigue, headaches/migraines, issues with temperature regulation, weight management, and even sleep) by addressing lifestyle factors?

Ever since the publication of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, the many cumulative adverse effects of  survivors' hypervigilance and chronically raised cortisol levels have become increasingly well-known - the body really does keep the score.

It is increasingly clear that unsafe environments affect people's neurological development, immune systems, and regulatory systems. Childhood trauma alters the structural development of neural networks and the biochemistry of neuroendocrine systems.

Adrian will introduce the cascading impact of complex trauma on the body and mind, and explain the concept and principles of 'lifestyle medicine' to the audience. He will discuss how chronic exposure to the stress hormone cortisol is associated with a multitude of problems, including problems with temperature regulation and weight gain. Cortisol also lowers the levels of neurotransmitters, which in turn affect mood, concentration, and motivation. It causes blood sugar fluctuations and gut symptoms, caused by an imbalance in digestive enzymes; and this directly affects one's mental health.

In this introductory after-work seminar, Adrian will share some practical tips and proven strategies accessible to everyone, to start mitigating the impact of complex trauma on the body.

The seminar is open to anyone who has an interest in this topic. Survivors of complex trauma and/or psychotherapists treating complex trauma, are especially encouraged to attend.


Who is this workshop for?

About the Presenter/s

Presenter Name
  Dr Adrian Lopresti
Presenter Position
  Clinical Psychologist
Presenter Blurb

Adrian's clinical expertise is focused on integrative evidence-based treatments for mental-health difficulties - these include lifestyle, nutritional, psychological, and herbal therapies. He has conducted several randomised-controlled trials on herbal and nutraceutical interventions for depression, anxiety and ADHD. He regularly publishes in peer-reviewed journals on the effects of diet, nutraceuticals, sleep, and exercise for the treatment and prevention of depression, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and bipolar disorder.

Adrian developed an evidence-based personalised integrative approach to psychotherapy that targets small, achievable, and sustainable changes in people's diet, nutritional status, lifestyle habits, social connections, psychology, spiritual health, and physical health.

He regularly conducts educational workshops both nationally and internationally.

Presenter Image


Date/s: Thursday 15 June 2023

Registration opens on 21 April 2023 and closes on 15 June 2023.

Seats are strictly limited for this event, so please register early to prevent disappointment.

Venue: Function Room, SJOG Conference Centre, Level 3 (5.45pm - 9pm),
25 McCourt Street,
Subiaco WA 6008
Additional Venue Information

Light refreshments will be available from 5.45pm

Accomodation Suggestions:
Recommended Reading:
Cancellation Policy:

Full refund if cancelled 7 days in advance (less catering costs)



Sonia Smuts - Sonia.smuts@complextraumawa.org.au


David Edwards - David.edwards@complextraumawa.org.au

50 COTWA Professional Members 3 Yes
30 COTWA Clinical Members 3 Yes
0 COTWA Clinical Members with a Spatial Directory profile 3 Yes
30 Registered Students 3 Yes
80 General Public (includes PD Credit and Certificate) 3 Yes
40 Trauma Survivors 0 No
Notes about Fees
COTWA prioritises professional development events for its members; but would like to also welcome non-member clinicians and other interested and affected parties (including other professionals, loved ones, and survivors) to this event.
A sliding scale of fees, based on membership status and professional-development requirements, applies to ensure financial accessibility for all.
Those with adequate resources are encouraged to pay the fee most relevant to their individual circumstances and requirements.
An honour system is in place for survivors of complex trauma. Registration at this rate is significantly reduced, without being stigmatised or interrogated, for those who would otherwise be unable to access this event.
Members need to be logged into the Members' Area to get the correct member rate applied.
Members who have fully completed Spatial Directory profiles are welcome to attend this event for free.
All COTWA Members will receive Professional Development (PD) credits and a Certificate of Attendance for professional development purposes, that will remain accessible in their personal Member's Area.


The information presented at this event is general in nature and should not be relied on. You should always seek your own professional advice. The views expressed are those of the presenter and may not represent the views of COTWA.

About the Event

Did you know that…

  • Survivors of historical abuse could access FREE legal advice in WA?
  • Not all legal proceedings result in survivors of childhood abuse being retraumatised in a witness stand - do you know what the alternatives are?
  • Perpetrators of historical abuse need not always participate in the legal proceedings; for instance, survivors could also receive compensation after a perpetrator has passed away.
  • Some trauma survivors could claim compensation, even if a person has not been identified, charged or convicted of the offence.
  • Eligible survivors may receive compensation of up to $150,000 (the average redress payment is around $80,000), in addition to payment for counselling and psychological support.
  • WA-based lawyers do not have automatic full access to confidential communication between a psychotherapist and their client - do you know when to respond to a subpoena, and with what information?

The legal processes associated with claiming compensation for abuse can be quite opaque. The purpose of this symposium is to elucidate the different pieces of the jigsaw and clarify how they fit together.

The rare opportunity, involving some of the most senior and widely respected barristers in Western Australia, will cover a range of topics pertinent to complex trauma and the law including:

  • The different civil and criminal options; and the costs and benefits of each
  • What the process might look like for survivors
  • Ways in which a mental health professional might support their client
  • A multi-disciplinary conversation about how we might better support each other’s work, in the best interests of survivors

You should leave with a better understanding of:

  • The survivor’s experience of the process
  • The legal practitioner’s part of the process
  • The clinician’s part in the process
  • The need for a trauma-informed multi-disciplinary approach to legal compensation


  Friday 26th May 2023
Time Activity
8:15am - 8:45am Registration
8:45am - 9:00am Welcome & Housekeeping
9:00am - 10:30am The necessity of trauma-informed care in the legal process
10:30am – 11:00am Morning tea
11:00am - 12:30pm Survivors' lived experience of the legal process
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm - 3:00pm Justice and redress for survivors in Western Australia
3:00pm - 3:30pm Afternoon tea
3:30pm - 5:00pm Criminal Injuries Compensation - How does it work?
  Saturday 27th May
Time Activity
8:30am - 9:00am Registration & Morning coffee
9:00am - 9:30am Reporting retrospective abuse to the police
9:30am - 10:30am What does the Criminal Court process entail?
10:30am - 11:00am Morning tea
11:00am - 12:30pm Filing a Civil Court claim for childhood abuse (including alternative dispute resolution & mediation)
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm - 2:30pm What do survivors need? The role of memory and recall
2:30pm - 3pm Accommodating for dissociation during legal proceedings
3:00pm - 3:30pm Afternoon tea
3:30pm - 5:00pm Multi-disciplinary Think Tank: "How can we address re-traumatisation?"

Who is this workshop for?

This unique opportunity to hear from some of the most respected barristers in Western Australia, is open to survivors, members of the public, and all service providers who work professionally with clients who have experienced complex trauma.

About the Presenter/s

Presenter Name
  Ms Charmaine Holyoak-Roberts
Presenter Position
  Chief Assessor - Office of Criminal Injuries Compensation - Department of Justice
Presenter Blurb

Charmaine has been a lawyer for more than 20 years. She graduated with a Master of Laws from the University of Western Australia in 2014; and worked as a barrister specialising in personal injuries, probate, and deceased estates at John Toohey Chambers in Perth for many years.

Prior to her appointment as Chief Assessor Criminal Injuries Compensation in February 2019, she was employed at the regulator of the workers’ compensation and injury management scheme in Western Australia, WorkCover WA. Her career in the legal profession has lent itself to a strong sense of social justice and an interest in work involving vulnerable people in the context of personal injuries and deceased estates.

Charmaine and her colleague Assessor Renêa Bayly (see below) will introduce the audience to the Office of Criminal Compensation and how the process might work for survivors.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Ms Renêa Bayly
Presenter Position
  Assessor at the Office of Criminal Injuries Compensation for the Department of Justice
Presenter Blurb

Renêa is an Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation appointed in April 2019. Her background is as a solicitor in personal injuries, having worked in the area since 2001.

Prior to joining the office of Criminal Injuries Compensation, she was head of the Sexual Abuse team at a leading law firm in Perth that focuses exclusively on personal injury law.

Renêa and Chief Assessor Charmaine Holyoak-Roberts (see above) will introduce the audience to the Criminal Injuries Compensation process and all it entails.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  knowmore Legal Service
Presenter Position
  Multi-Disciplinary Team (Perth office)
Presenter Blurb

knowmore is a free and independent legal service, with offices across Australia. They utilise a trauma-informed, culturally safe, person-centred approach in the delivery of our services, via a multidisciplinary model.

The knowmore service was established by the Australian Government in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Childhood Sexual Abuse, to provide advice to survivors of child sexual abuse about justice and redress. The knowmore team also helps survivors to apply to the National Redress Scheme and Criminal Injuries Compensation  or refer them to a panel of reputable law firms for advice on other options and avenues for compensation.

knowmore stands out with their multidisciplinary approach, including the services of a lawyer, a counsellor/social worker, an Aboriginal Engagement Adviser, and Financial Counsellor.

The service will be introduced by Richa Malaviya and Amanda Whelan (see introductions below).

Presenter Name
  Mr Geoffrey Bourhill SC
Presenter Position
Presenter Blurb

Geoff was admitted to legal practise in 1981 and has spent all of his professional life representing the interests of parties in litigation arising from personal injury - initially plaintiffs, but for most of that time, defendants.

For the first 35 years, his involvement was as solicitor, primarily on instructions from insurers.

In 2016, he joined the independent bar and since then has operated solely as a barrister. In that role, since 2018, he has been involved in the conduct of claims by survivors of complex trauma.

Geoff, together with David Bayly (see introduction below) will introduce attendees to the inner workings of the Civil Court process; and Geoff will focus more specifically on the defendant's perspective.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Mr Tim Hammond SC
Presenter Position
Presenter Blurb

Regrettably, personal circumstances required Tim to withdraw from presenting at the symposium.

[Tim's litigation background is predominantly in the area of of civil litigation with a focus on on personal injuries compensation.

He has expertise acting in medical negligence claims, workplace, motor vehicle and catastrophic injury cases and in employment & industrial relations matters. He specialises in representing victims of asbestos disease and also represents survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.

From 2016 to 2018, Tim was the Federal Member for Perth.]

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Survivors with a lived experience of complex trauma
Presenter Position
  Various perspectives
Presenter Blurb

A number of survivors have bravely agreed to talk about their lived experiences with complex trauma, and the ways in which they have navigated the legal process.

As a survivor, they each bring a unique perspective. Their varied experiences will give anyone supporting a survivor through a legal process some insight into what helped and what hindered.

Presenter Name
  Ms Kati Kraszlan
Presenter Position
  Commissioner for Victims of Crime - Department of Justice
Presenter Blurb

Ms Kati Kraszlan was appointed the Western Australian Commissioner for Victims of Crime in August 2020.

Kati has spent many years in the Department of Justice, where she was part of the design and implementation of both the Drug Court and the Joondalup Family Violence Court, as well as developing the international award-winning West Kimberley Regional Prison.

While Acting Commissioner from 2017, Kati helped facilitate the State’s new family violence laws, delivered the National Redress Scheme in WA for victims of institutional child sexual abuse, helped develop a fund for the funerals of homicide victims, and the introduction of the State’s landmark ‘revenge porn’ laws.

Kati's passion is to help victims of crime navigate the complexity of the criminal justice system.

She will be speaking about police reporting and other aspects of the criminal justice response at the symposium.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Mr Michael Martin
Presenter Position
  Coordinator of the National Redress Scheme - WA Commissioner for Victims of Crime - Department of Justice
Presenter Blurb

Michael has more than 40 years of experience in human services delivery. He is a highly experienced Accredited Mental Health Social Worker (AMHSW) and has worked across diverse settings and roles in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors.

In his current role as Coordinator of the Redress Coordination Unit in the Office of the Commissioner for Victims of Crime, he manages the WA Government's relationship with the National Redress Scheme for Survivors of Institutional Sexual Abuse (NRS). He acts as principal mediator for ‘Direct Personal Responses’ (ie apologies) to survivors from the institutions in which they were abused. He also coordinates the provision of Counselling and Psychological Care (CPC) to survivors, as provided through awards from the NRS.

Michael has previously provided trauma-informed counselling, advocacy, and practical assistance to adult victims of child sexual abuse involved in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse at knowmore Legal Service and Relationships Australia (WA).  Subsequent to the Royal Commission, he was Client Services Manager of the Perth office of knowmore legal service.

Michael also has experience in providing preparation and court support to child and adult victims of crime as a Victim Support and Child Witness Worker for the WA Department of Justice.

Michael will draw from both the literature and his personal observations to share how survivors tend to present during legal proceedings, with special reference to the role of memory and recall.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Judge Linda Black
Presenter Position
  Judge of the District Court of Western Australia
Presenter Blurb

Judge Linda Black was appointed as a Judge of the District Court of Western Australia from 1 August 2022.

She was a State Prosecutor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for almost a decade before returning to private practice specialising in criminal, disciplinary, regulatory and human rights law.

She worked as a lawyer for more than two decades with most of that time in the criminal courts defending and prosecuting some of WA's highest profile and complex matters. She was one of the State's leading barristers and a specialist jury trial advocate.

Linda is a keen musician, an animal welfare advocate, and a mother.

She will explain to the audience how the criminal process works; the benefits and disadvantages of this approach to justice; offer pointers on dealing with subpoenas, being an expert witness, and writing court reports; and more.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Richa Malaviya
Presenter Position
  Managing Lawyer - knowmore Legal Service (Perth office)
Presenter Blurb

Richa is the Managing Lawyer in knowmore's multi-disciplinary team in Perth. She competed a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws and Master of Human Rights Law and Social Policy; and was  Vice President of Amnesty International in Western Australia. Richa consulted at Aboriginal Family Legal Services as well as at Djinda Service, a Women's Legal Service in WA.

Richa and her colleague Amanda Whelan (see below) will introduce the audience to survivors' options for justice and redress in Western Australia, and discuss knowmore Legal Services' might be able to assist in this process.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Ms Amanda Whelan
Presenter Position
  Director of Client Services - knowmore Legal Service (Perth office)
Presenter Blurb

Amanda was born and raised in Kalgoorlie, WA and spent the first ten years of her working life in the Goldfields-Esperance region.  She is a social worker with more than 25 years’ experience working with vulnerable communities affected by trauma, both in Western Australia and Queensland.

As Director of Client Services, Amanda helps lead knowmore’s national service delivery work with a focus on multidisciplinary, trauma-informed practice and workplace wellbeing strategies; and ensuring that clients get the high-quality services they are promised.

In 2019, Amanda authored the Shelter from the Perfect Storm Wellbeing and Resilience toolkit for the CLC sector on behalf of knowmore.  Since that time, Amanda has led the development and delivery of a suite of training in the ‘Shelter’ series; as well as trauma-informed practice training for the legal sector.

Amanda has presented at a number of conferences and delivered Master classes on trauma-informed practice and worker wellbeing to the legal services sector across Australia.

This time round, she will be presenting with her colleague, Richa Malaviya (see above), to introduce the audience to survivors' options for justice and redress in Western Australia.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Mr George Kingsley Ll.M
Presenter Position
  Former Registrar of the District Court in WA
Presenter Blurb

In George's former role as Registrar of the District Court in Western Australia, he was responsible for a range of administrative and clerical court matters, including:

  • Arranging listings and court sittings, including circuit sittings
  • Maintaining court records, arraigning accused, empanelling juries, administering oaths, managing exhibits, and filing and lodging legal forms
  • Liaising with the judiciary, legal profession, litigants, witnesses and other court users to ensure efficient court hearings
  • Legal and research services
  • Helping members of the public with queries

Up until his recent retirement, George had been involved in dispute resolution for more than 30 years; and he brings significant knowledge about the legal process for survivors of historical abuse.

George will add his considerable experience to our Think Tank conversation on Saturday afternoon, when we will brain storm how to address retraumatisation.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Ms Kirsty Pratt
Presenter Position
  Team Coordinator - Abuse (Bradley Bayly Legal) | Co-Chair - Victims of Crime Reference Group (Department of Justice)
Presenter Blurb

Kirsty comes to the complex-trauma space through lived experience, which has been the driving force for many years of powerful advocacy and political activism in support of survivors. In 2017/18, Kirsty staged a parliamentary sit-in, leading to important law reform for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. This law reform directly led to an abrupt change in career direction for Kirsty, who is now the Co-ordinator for a team of Abuse Law specialists at a leading WA personal injury law firm.  Awarded for “always sticking up for the little guy” and for her strong community engagement through her work, Kirsty has twice shared a podium with Erin Brockovich and has delivered speeches several times at TEDx events.

Kirsty will open the symposium on Friday morning, by presenting on the necessity of trauma-informed care in the legal process.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Dr Kate Burton
Presenter Position
Presenter Blurb

Dr Burton is a clinician and mental-health advocate, focused on raising awareness in the areas of neurodivergence, complex trauma related disorders, and student wellbeing.

As a psychotherapist, she specialises in the assessment and therapeutic support of gifted and creative children, adolescents and adults. She additionally advises schools in relation to the psychosocial well-being of gifted students. Her doctoral research examined giftedness in relation to trauma theory, addiction and self-destructive behaviour. She is a published academic; an international and guest speaker; and is regularly asked to provide media commentary in relation to mental health and neurodivergence.

Kate is a passionate advocate for raising awareness in relation to the necessity of a trauma-informed approach across all sectors. She will be introducing the audience to dissociative phenomena, and offer practical strategies for helping to manage this during high-stress experiences.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Mr Mal Cooke
Presenter Position
  Lawyer | Director & Principal: Neometric
Presenter Blurb

Mal is a director and principal of Neometric, an incorporated legal practice that partners with organisations to strengthen internal and external alignment to their purpose.

Mal was a commercial litigator in a global firm for over two decades, and brings deep experience of the civil justice frameworks and the barriers that they present. As part of his former firm’s pro bono practice, he has represented highly marginalised individuals in their battles with the State, and the many frustrations that involve.

 Mal is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors; a Fellow and Board Member of Leadership WA, and the Chair of the Board of Riverview Church.

Mal will facilitate the Think Tank conversation on "How can we address retraumatisation?" on Saturday afternoon.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Ms Sonia Smuts
Presenter Position
  Clinical Psychologist | Vice Chairperson: Complex Trauma WA
Presenter Blurb

Sonia is a South-African trained clinical psychologist in full-time private practice, where she works primarily with adult clients with a lived experience of complex trauma. The majority of her clients have multi-faceted presentations with multiple physical and complex psychiatric diagnoses. Sonia is passionate about better service delivery in WA for survivors, and started the Perth Complex Trauma Mental Health Professionals Network (MHPN) in 2014 to expand service providers’ awareness of and clinical expertise in the specific treatment implications of working with complex trauma. From this initiative, she and two colleagues subsequently registered Complex Trauma WA Inc. (COTWA), a health-promotions charity, in late 2018. She has been volunteering her time on the Executive committee ever since, facilitating the presentation of high-quality local professional-development opportunities; as well as the development of a world-first trauma-informed spatial directory of independently assessed, local clinicians who meet internationally recognised standards of trauma-specific treatments.

Sonia will be interviewing and facilitating a safe conversation with a group of survivors who have volunteered to share their lived experience of the legal process with the audience.

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Mr David Bayly
Presenter Position
  Barrister at Law - Central Law Chambers
Presenter Blurb

David has practised in all aspects of personal injury litigation throughout his legal career.

David has extensive experience in advising in relation to litigation involving catastrophic claims. He  has advocated for the rights of victims of historical and institutional sexual abuse; lobbied government to remove the limit periods applicable to those clients; and consulted with the current Attorney General in regards to the legislative amendments.

David has lectured at the University of Paderborn in Germany; and is a regular lecturer for the Royal Australian Colleges of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Psychiatrists and Occupational Physicians. David also lectures at the Post Graduate School of Psychiatry at Graylands Psychiatric Hospital.

He has agreed to co-present with Geoff Bourhill (see introduction above) on the workings of the Civil Court process, with special consideration to the perspective of the plaintiff/claimant.

Presenter Image


Date/s: Friday 26 May 2023 & Saturday 27 May 2023

Registration opens on Wednesday 15 February 2023 and closes Monday 22 May 2023

Venue: Stirling Room, Crowne Plaza Hotel,
54 Terrace Road,
Perth WA 6004
Additional Venue Information

Teas and a light lunch will be provided

Please advise special dietary requirements at time of registration

Accomodation Suggestions:
Recommended Reading:
Cancellation Policy:

100% refund for cancellations before 30 April 2023

50% refund for cancelations between 1 May and 22 May 2023

No refunds for cancellations after 22 May 2023, but you can transfer your registration by providing us with the contact details of the attendee coming in your place (please note any special dietary requirements for this person cannot be accommodated as the catering order will already have been placed)



Sonia Smuts - Sonia.smuts@complextraumawa.org.au


David Edwards - David.edwards@complextraumawa.org.au

500 COTWA Professional Members 12 Yes
250 COTWA Clinical Members 12 Yes
50 COTWA Clinical Members with a Spatial Directory profile 12 Yes
800 General Public (includes PD Credit and Certificate) 12 Yes
600 General Public none No
200 Registered Students 12 Yes
150 Trauma Survivors none No
Notes about Fees
COTWA prioritises professional development events for its members; but would like to also welcome non-member clinicians and other interested and affected parties (including other professionals, loved ones, and survivors) to this event.
A sliding scale of fees, based on membership status and professional-development requirements, applies to ensure financial accessibility for all.
Those with adequate resources are encouraged to pay the fee most relevant to their individual circumstances and requirements.
An honour system is in place for survivors of childhood complex trauma. Registration at this rate is at cost, without being stigmatised or interrogated, for those who would otherwise be unable to access this event.
Members need to be logged into the Members' Area to get the correct member rate applied. All COTWA Members will receive Professional Development (PD) credits and a Certificate of Attendance for professional development purposes, that will remain accessible in their personal Member's Area.
The Spatial Directory is a unique and invaluable resource for local survivors, carers, colleagues, GPs, and other service providers. It identifies trauma practitioners who were independently assessed to meet international best-practice requirements for working with complex trauma. The more public weight COTWA members add to it, the more weight COTWA has to advocate on everyone's behalf for better service delivery in WA.
COTWA Clinical members who list their service on COTWA's Spatial Directory can attend this two-day Professional Development event for only $50.
If you are a COTWA Professional Member who is already eligible to apply for Clinical Membership and you would like the added discount for members with a Spatial Directory profile, please prioritise finalising the submission of your Clinical Assessment application - you will find this in the Members' Area of our website.
Depending on whether your Curriculum Vitae is up to date; and how long it might take you to draft a letter of reference on behalf of busy referees (we have templates you can use to make this easier), we estimate you probably need to set aside ~90+ minutes of your life to describe your trauma-specific approach to trauma-informed treatment. When we’ve received your completed Clinical Membership application, it will be sent to Blue Knot Foundation, Australia’s National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma, for independent processing. This could take from 4 to 21 days.
Once you are a Clinical Member, you will receive an email to invite you to list on the COTWA Spatial Directory, with some practical tips on how to go about doing this.
If you are already a Clinical Member and haven’t completed your Spatial Directory Profile yet, you can do so from the MEMBERS AREA.
If your Spatial Directory profile is fully completed by 31 May 2023, you will qualify for the $50 attendance fee and receive a refund of the initial registration fee.
COTWA recognises that it is a complex process to become a COTWA Clinical member with a Spatial Directory profile. We still believe it is worth it! Before you give up, please message us via the CONTACT FORM if you require any practical, technical, or emotional support to complete the online forms - we will be in touch to offer helpful help.
The COTWA Board is offering a special rate for survivors that just covers participation costs (i.e. catering). Trauma survivors would benefit from the information that will be presented during this event. If you would like to sponsor a ticket for a survivor, you have the option to do so on the registration form. The Board will allocate your donated ticket to a survivor who might not otherwise have access to this event, on a merit-based system in line with our PRINCIPLES OF PROBITY.
Please CONTACT US if you would like to know about the process we use to determine the allocation of donated funds.
If you are a Trauma Survivor unable to attend this event unless sponsored, please send us a message via our CONTACT FORM with a brief explanation (500 words max) of your circumstances.


The information in this workshop is general in nature and should not be relied on. Presenters are unable to offer legal advice specific to your circumstances. You should always seek your own professional advice. The views expressed are those of the presenters and may not represent the views of COTWA.

About the Event

Day One - An Introduction to Working with the Body in Complex Trauma Treatments

Current research indicates that trauma is largely remembered non-verbally, leaving the body and nervous system primed for future threat. Many traditional approaches to treatment lack techniques to work directly with this physical legacy of trauma; indeed, the body has largely been left out of the ‘talking cure’. 

Through a combination of lecture material, experiential exercises and discussion, this workshop will introduce a body-oriented approach to working with unresolved trauma. Andrew’s approach to training encompasses not only the most recent theoretical understanding regarding neuroscience and the impact of our experiences on our body, but also provides a clear and pragmatic link between theory and practice.

At the conclusion of day one, participants will be able to:

  • Review current neuroscience and practical applications in relation to safe trauma work.
  • Understand the role of the body in trauma treatment, including the role of procedural learning and its relevance to trauma treatment.
  • Apply simple somatic techniques to facilitate clients' self-regulation (including directed mindfulness).
  • Acquire increased knowledge and skills in assisting clients to develop body-based resources and enable them to experience and stabilise embodiment.
  • Understand the significance of the relational field in body-based psychotherapy.
  • Acquire increased knowledge and skills in incorporating bodily experience into all phases of trauma therapy.

Day Two - Deepening Resources for Stabilisation

The second day will build on content covered in the first day, with particular focus on assisting clinicians to use more advanced body-based psychotherapeutic techniques to enrich and enhance their treatment approach to clients presenting with unresolved trauma. 

Areas of focus will include the impact of somatics on the therapeutic relationship, and assisting clients to effectively access body-based resources to improve their capacity to regulate strong emotion and physiological arousal and more effectively process their traumatic experiences. The workshop will include both didactic and experiential material, with an emphasis on the provision of practical skills for body-based psychotherapy practice.

At the conclusion of day two, participants will have:

  • Practiced simple somatic techniques to facilitate clients’ self-regulation (including directed mindfulness).
  • Grasped the significance of the relational field in body-based psychotherapy.
  • Acquired increased knowledge and skills in incorporating bodily experience into all phases of trauma therapy.
  • Acquired increased knowledge and skills in assisting clients to develop body-based resources and enable them to experience and stabilise embodiment.
  • Acquired practical skills for the development of advanced resourcing that supports clients’ trauma processing.


Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is suitable for those working professionally with clients who have experienced complex trauma and who have current professional registration with an Australian regulatory body:

  • General Practitioners
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Social workers
  • Counsellors
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Mental Health Nurses

Applicants who do not meet the above criteria can apply on an individual basis to the COTWA Board by emailing diana.phillips@complextraumawa.org.au or vivien.bainbridge@complextraumawa.org.au. Consideration will be given to the applicant’s:

  • Nature and length of employment
  • Educational background and qualifications
  • Training in trauma
  • Support from the applicant’s supervisor and/or employer

About the Presenter/s

Presenter Name
  Dr Andrew Harkin
Presenter Blurb

Andrew Harkin graduated as a medical doctor from the University College in Dublin in 1990. Having a keen interest in the holistic treatment of his patients, Andrew completed a two-year postgraduate training course in 1998 with the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute in Colorado, USA. He subsequently became lead trainer at the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute and taught psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychotherapists in the fields of trauma and attachment across the United Kingdom, Europe, North America, and Australia for more than five years.

Andrew has also trained in other trauma-related models such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Brainspotting, and the Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM). Additionally, he is a teacher in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), having trained with the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at the University of Bangor in North Wales.

In 2013, Andrew and his family emigrated to Western Australia to take a position as a Senior Therapist in a psychiatric day hospital. In 2016, he recorded the TED Talk, Mind the Gap: Moving From Brain to Body to explore the importance of reclaiming a sense of health and a sense of belonging in the body. Andrew now divides his time between providing training across Australia for mental health clinicians in body-based approaches to psychotherapy, and a private practice in Bunbury.

Presenter Image


Date/s: Friday 26th March & Saturday 27th March 2021

Registration opens on Wednesday 17th February

Registration closes Sunday 21 March 2021

Venue: Trinity on Hampden Conference Centre,
230 Hampden Road,
Crawley WA 6009
Additional Venue Information

Tea and a light lunch will be provided

Please advise special dietary requirements at time of registration

Accomodation Suggestions:
Recommended Reading:
Cancellation Policy:


Sonia Smuts - Sonia.smuts@complextraumawa.org.au


David Edwards - David.edwards@complextraumawa.org.au

500 COTWA Professional Members 14 Yes
500 COTWA Clinical Members 14 Yes
300 COTWA Clinical Members with a Spatial Directory profile 14 Yes
750 General Public 14 Yes
Notes about Fees


The information in this panel discussion is general in nature and should not be relied on. You should always seek your own professional advice. The views expressed are those of the presenters and may not represent the views of COTWA.

About the Workshop

What can we learn from hypnosis to enhance our clinical effectiveness in working with trauma and dissociation? Can a dissociative therapeutic approach, such as hypnosis, be helpful for someone where dissociation is symptomatic? Can this approach be integrated into one’s current therapeutic practices, such as with mindfulness and meditation? And, perhaps most importantly, how can it help a client grow from trauma?

While this two-day course will cover topics such as the principles, ethics, and practise of hypnotherapy in up-to-date, evidence-based, outcome-oriented approaches, it is best seen as an introduction to clinical hypnosis. It will introduce you to the language and processes of clinical hypnosis for post-trauma growth, in a user-friendly, experiential learning format with particular emphasis on your own clinical applications and clinician skills.

Moving beyond the traditional scripted approach to hypnosis, you will learn about the application of hypnosis into therapy in ways that are creative, individual, and adaptive to client goals.

Topics covered will include:

  • What is hypnosis
  • A brief history of therapeutic trances
  • Myths and misconceptions
  • Hypnosis, trauma and dissociation
  • The nature of suggestions
  • Types and power of suggestions
  • Basic theories of hypnosis
  • How to induce and deepen the hypnotic experience
  • Hypnosis for facilitating post-trauma growth
  • How to apply your new skills in your own therapeutic work

The style of teaching will be focussed on practical skills-development with many exercises designed to facilitate the application of hypnotherapy in your daily therapeutic work with clients.


  Friday 28th August 2020
Time Activity
9:30am - 11:00am Introduction to hypnosis; Introductory hypnosis demonstration; What is hypnosis? Definitions; Brief history of hypnosis; Induction/elicitation demo and exercises
11:00am - 11:15am Morning Tea
11:15am - 12:30pm Myths and Misconceptions; Contra-indications; Ethical issues; More induction & deepening strategies
12:30pm - 1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm - 2:45pm Indications of trance; Traditional versus non-traditional approaches; Learning how to hypnotise effectively; Steps to induction; Exercise
2:45pm - 3:00pm Afternoon Tea
3:00pm - 4:30pm Ego strengthening; Strength-spotting; Early learning sets; Exercise: Practise of further inductions
  Saturday 29th August 2020
Time Activity
9:30am - 11:00am Hypnotic Phenomena; Utilisation of Hypnotic Phenomena; Demonstrations/Exercises
11:00am - 11:15am Morning Tea
11:15am - 12:30pm Dissociation and hypnosis; What is it?; How does it work?; How can it be utilised therapeutically?
12:30pm - 1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm - 2:45pm Post-traumatic growth; Expert companionship; How to hypnotically facilitate growth from suffering
2:45pm - 3:00pm Afternoon Tea
3:00pm - 4:30pm Hypnotically enhancing greater happiness; Participant case applications; Ongoing application of hypnosis in your own work

Who is this workshop for?

Working with hypnosis, trauma, and dissociative disorders require a high level of psychotherapy skills, and a mental health background is an essential prerequisite for the effective application of hypnosis with this client population. 

This workshop is open to experienced mental-health professionals who are fully registered with a professional association and meet the following criteria:

  • COTWA Clinical Members
  • COTWA General Members
  • Non-Member Medical Practitioners
    • Psychiatrists need to be registered with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. 
    • General Practitioners are required to have additional training in Psychological Medicine, and be registered with the Medical Board of Australia.
  • Non-Members Allied Health Professionals
    • Psychologists are required to be registered with Psychology Board of Australia or the New Zealand Psychology Board.
    • Occupational Therapists are required to have additional specialist training in mental health and need to be registered with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia or the New Zealand Occupational Therapy Board.
    • Social Workers need to be registered with Australian Association of Social Workers or in New Zealand with the Social Workers Registration Board.
    • Counsellors and Psychotherapists are required to be registered with the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) as a Clinical Mental Health Practitioner or the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) as a Level 3 or 4 member.
  • Non-Member Mental Health Nurses
    • Mental Health Nurses are required to be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia /AHPRA or in New Zealand with the Nursing Council of New Zealand
    • Interns/Students enrolled in a graduate level program in mental health (psychiatry, psychology, social work, counselling, etc.) that are currently involved in the internship portion of their program and are working under the supervision of a qualified mental health professional.

Applicants who do not meet the above criteria can apply on an individual basis to the COTWA Board by emailing admin@cotwa.org.au. Consideration will be given to the applicant's:

  • Nature and length of employment
  • Educational background and qualifications
  • Training in trauma
  • Support from the applicant's supervisor and/or employer

About the Presenter/s

Presenter Name
  Adj. Prof George Burns
Presenter Blurb

Adjunct Professor George Burns is an Australian clinical psychologist whose innovative work as practitioner, teacher, and writer is recognized nationally and internationally.

George is Adjunct Professor of the Cairnmillar Institute, School of Psychotherapy and Counselling; Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Edith Cowan University and Director of The Milton H Erickson Institute of Western Australia. He has been active in several international hypnosis societies and is an Approved Consultant with the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

George has also published eight books that have been translated to 18 languages and include an international best-seller. He has authored some 50 articles and book chapters, been described as a ‘master clinician’ by eminent colleagues; and “among some of the world's best therapists” by the Milton H Erickson Foundation.

Given his contribution to the psychology of well-being, he was an invited participant in a United Nations High Level Meeting on creating a new world development paradigm based more on happiness than on economic values. He has recently been honoured with Life Membership to the Australian Psychological Society, and the first ever Life Membership awarded by the Institute of Clinical Psychologists.

In recent years he has been working as a volunteer clinical psychologist in developing countries such as the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, where his most recent project has been helping to establish a new youth drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre based on a therapeutic model of happiness and wellbeing.

George’s teaching blends a wealth of clinical and personal life experiences in a relaxed and pleasant style aimed at providing hands-on skills for the enhancement of therapeutic effectiveness.

More information about George, his books, and the training he offers can be found on his website: www.georgeburns.com.au

Presenter Image


Date/s: Friday 28th August & Saturday 29th August 2020

Registration opens on the 22nd July 2020 and closes on 20th August 2020


Venue: The Newman Siena Centre,
33 Williamstown Road,
Doubleview WA 6018
Additional Venue Information
Accomodation Suggestions:
Recommended Reading:
Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation prior to 20th August 2020 will attract a $50 processing fee.

Cancellation after 20th August 2020 will attract full fee (transfer of registration is possible).



Sonia Smuts - Sonia.smuts@complextraumawa.org.au


David Edwards - David.edwards@complextraumawa.org.au

500 COTWA Professional Members 13 Yes
500 COTWA Clinical Members 13 Yes
300 COTWA Clinical Members with a Spatial Directory profile 13 Yes
750 General Public 13 Yes
Notes about Fees


The information in this workshop is general in nature and should not be relied on. You should always seek your own professional advice. The views expressed are those of the presenters and may not represent the views of COTWA.

About the Workshop

Dissociative processes are most evident in the rapid shifts in self-states identified by the close tracking of ‘no-go zones’ - those places in our psyche which are too dangerous or painful to enter. These places frequently result from persistent early trauma, commonly as a consequence of growing up in an environment where the child’s caretaker(s) are either frightened or frightening, or both.

Working therapeutically with individuals with such disorganised attachments presents considerable difficulties since, by definition, the dissociative processes are designed to ‘hide’ both the fear and the longing for connection from both oneself and the Other. This can result in behaviours which fluctuate between angry attacks on the therapeutic relationship and a tenacious attachment to it. An intolerable dilemma arises from a longing to feel ‘real’ yet also desperately wanting to avoid the associated pain that comes with it. This requires the therapist to survive, detoxify, and metabolize the emotional turmoil that results from the internal shame and fear of humiliation, intolerable loss, intense dislike, disgust, and contempt that often underpin such ‘attackments’.

In this workshop, Dr Chefetz marries dissociation and its clinical manifestations with a wealth of extended case histories. Drawing on theories of self-states and their involvement in dissociative experiences, he demonstrates how to identify and work with persistent dissociative processes, and their related neurobiological and psychodynamic underpinnings.

Learning outcomes

  • Recognising dissociative processes in your casework;
  • Understanding memory processes in trauma patients; and
  • Working with shame, repetition compulsions, enactments, addictive behaviours, depersonalisation, self-harm, and suicidality in the lives of adult survivors of childhood trauma.


  • Describe the normal tension between association and dissociation and how the balance between them contributes to mental coherence.
  • Discuss why discerning depersonalisation is critically important in assessing dissociation.
  • Describe how dissociative process influences memory and the questions that are important in discerning dissociative disturbances of memory
  • Compare the basics of infant attachment behaviours and their adult manifestations in trauma treatment.
  • Discuss the differences between emotions in the shame spectrum of experience and their personal and interpersonal correlates
  • Explain the potential value and pitfalls of countertransference disclosure in psychotherapy with trauma survivors.
  • Describe appropriate questions to discern depersonalisation, derealisation, amnesia, identity confusion, and identity alteration toward making a diagnosis of a dissociative disorder.
  • Discuss and be able to apply the four basic patterns of infant attachment, secure, anxious-ambivalent, avoidant, and disorganised/disoriented to their adult cases and apply these to the clinical setting.
  • Predict which patients in your practice are likely carrying hidden shame
  • Describe the process from which shame and rage become welded together.
  • Discuss how hippocampal and amygdala functions interact in trauma treatment.
  • Discuss a strategy for pointed intervention to impact and reduce suicidality as an immediate threat.
  • Explain how "attackment" describes a shift from proximity seeking in the attachment paradigm to guaranteeing distance when domination- submission, power and control, dynamics overwhelm the interpersonal world of a child
  • Describe the difference between the words affect, feeling, and emotion as well as the clinical utility of distinguishing between them.
  • Describe the general underlying cause of addictive behaviour as it relates to dissociative processes.
  • Discuss a technique for specific psychotherapeutic exploration of addictions and their relief.
  • Explain the likely sources of negative therapeutic reaction in the treatment of a person with a complex dissociative disorder.


  Friday 20th September 2019
Time Activity
9:00am - 10:00am Recognising Dissociative Processes in Your Casework
10:00am - 10:50am Morning Tea
10:50am - 12:20pm Process Interventions and Psychodynamics of Self-states
12:20pm - 1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm - 2:45pm Catastrophic Shame, Negativity and Dissociative Self-states
2:45pm - 3:00pm Afternoon Tea
3:00pm - 4:30pm ‘Attackments’: Subjugation, Shame and Dissociative Self-states Case Presentation
  Saturday 21st September 2019
Time Activity
9:00am- 10:00am The Neurobiology of Emotion, Self-states, and the Gateway to Treatment
10:00am - 10:50am Morning Tea
10:50am - 12:20pm Addictive Processes, the Compulsion to Repeat, and Enactment
12:20pm - 1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm - 2:45pm Self-states, Suicidality, and Self-harming Behaviours
2:45pm - 3:00pm Afternoon Tea
3:00pm - 4:30pm Depersonalization: Can We Dance to the Music?

Who is this workshop for?

About the Presenter/s

Presenter Name
  Dr Richard A. Chefetz M.D
Presenter Blurb

Dr Chefetz is a psychiatrist in private practice in Washington, D.C. He was President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation in 2002, and Co-Founder and Chair of their Dissociative Disorders Psychotherapy Training Program for eight years. Dr Chefetz is a Distinguished Visiting Lecturer at the William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Psychology; and a faculty member at the Washington School of Psychiatry, the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, and the Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis.

He has published numerous journal articles on psychoanalytic perspectives on trauma and dissociation; and published the internationally acclaimed Intensive Psychotherapy for Persistent Dissociative Processes: The Fear of Feeling Real in 2015 with W.W. Norton, in their Interpersonal Neurobiology series.

Presenter Image


Date/s: Friday 20th & Saturday 21st September 2019

Registration opens on 1 July 2019.

Please register at www.complextraumawa.org.au

Inaugural membership offer ends on the 16th August 2019.

Venue: Trinity on Hampden Conference Centre,
230 Hampden Road,
Crawley WA 6009
Additional Venue Information
Accomodation Suggestions:



Recommended Reading:
Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation prior to September 1st will attract a $50 processing fee.

Cancellation after September 1st will attract full fee – transfer of registration is possible.



Sonia Smuts - Sonia.smuts@complextraumawa.org.au


David Edwards - David.edwards@complextraumawa.org.au

600 COTWA Professional Members 12 Yes
800 General Public 12 Yes
Notes about Fees


The information in this panel discussion is general in nature and should not be relied on. You should always seek your own professional advice. The views expressed are those of the presenters and may not represent the views of COTWA.

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